Hey Bubble Mommy,

you’re doing a great job, be kind to yourself.

We spend long nights soothing our restless babies and our free time researching and looking for answers; constantly searching for ways to improve our child’s quality of life.

Nothing feels worse, after all of that, than hitting a dead end and your latest discovery still not working for your baby’s unique case.

The cycle of searching for what’s right for your bubble baby can be so draining and certainly takes a toll on our total being.

The worst part is the fact that when we’re feeling frustrated, tired and overwhelmed that uneasy energy transfers right over to our precious bundles of joy. Now we have a frustrated, tired and overwhelmed baby on our hands.

This is why finding a balance, as unrealistic as that seems at times, is the best thing we can do for ourselves and our bubble babies.

Sometimes, we feel guilty about spending time away, especially when we have a child suffering with a condition of any sort. We’re constantly worrying about if they’re ok or if they’re comfortable. And we simply feel they need us at every waking moment. But, the truth is, they need us to be our best selves and we can only do that by taking care of ourselves, taking time for ourselves and being kind to ourselves.

Organizing your time and putting yourself down as a priority is a game changer. I encourage you to pour into yourself and invest in how you feel. You deserve it!

Self care, is the best thing you can do for you and everyone around you!

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Coming Soon!

Stay tuned bubble mama, we have something special coming for you!