Bubble Babies Allergy & Eczema Company provides items essential to soothing children with allergies and eczema. Our handmade skin care products are natural and free of common allergens and irritants. All of our product formulas are fragrance free. We are dedicated to taking what we’ve learned from our experience and providing support and relief to children and families dealing with allergies and eczema.

Inspired by Experience

Around five months old BJ, our CEO, was diagnosed with severe eczema. It started as just small red patches on his cheeks. Before we knew it he was covered in severe eczema from head to toe. He began to lose his hair and eyebrows and shortly after, BJ started to experience swollen and blistered feet.

After doing all that we were advised and not seeing much change, I learned, after research, that there had to be something that he was allergic to causing his flare-ups. I requested that he be tested for allergies and we learned that he had a severe allergy to cow’s milk. BJ was solely breastfed so I completely removed cow’s milk from my diet hoping this would help. His skin health still seemed to be heading downhill. We later learned that BJ was also allergic to fragrance, eggs, apples, peanuts, tree nuts, all antibiotics and had a soy sensitivity. These were all things contributing to his discomfort and eczema.

At this time he also had a barely functioning immune system, so his young body had no defense. He picked up every illness easily but had the hardest time fighting it off. Without being able to have the help of an antibiotic our options for treatment were slim to none.

With so much discomfort you can imagine that trying to sleep at night was a nightmare for BJ. In addition to everything else, he also had trouble breathing due to his well oversized adenoids that could not be removed until he reached, at least, one year old. At night his breathing always got more difficult. Between difficulty breathing and itchy, burning skin a good night’s sleep seemed impossible for both of us.

After his first adenoidectomy, his breathing improved a little but sleeping at night was still challenging. So my research continued, in hopes to finding a way to provide a better quality of life for my baby.

Pain to Purpose

After so much trial and error I decided give all-natural, homemade products and remedies a try. With BJ being allergic to and sensitive to so much, finding a good product that suited his needs and was free of all of his allergens always seemed nearly impossible.

I started mixing oils and butters, keeping the ingredients his skin liked in the mix and taking out those his skin didn’t react well to. I would draw bubbles on the jar tags and write ‘Bubble Baby Butter’ because my family always called BJ ‘The Bubble Baby’ because of how careful we always had to be. I didn’t think, at the time, about it growing into a company where we could serve others. I was just desperately searching for something that would work for my baby and give him the peace and quality of life he deserved.

The Super Oil, as BJ named it, is his favorite product and was our saving grace. This was one of the first products that I was able to apply to BJ’s skin without him screaming and running away. He was traumatized by the medicated creams and ointments and eczema lotions that burned severely upon application. So anytime he saw me coming to apply anything on his skin he would instantly assume it was going to hurt. After he calmed down and allowed me to apply the, now, Super Oil he seemed puzzled and held his hand out for more. I knew then that we had a winner.

From there I continued on my search to developing products that would provide a comfortable application for him and that would work to keep his skin moisturized and keep bacteria down. After much trial and error, giving up and starting back again, our regiment became as follows: We apply the Super Oil immediately after patting dry after bath time and supplement with Bubble Baby Butter in the spots that are really troubled. At night, we use a cool mist humidifier along with our essential oil diffuser intermittently diffusing oils essential for relaxation and allergy relief. Some nights I add a weighted blanket to the mix and voila, a peacefully sleeping child.

Once I stayed consistent with our homemade treatment and our regiment and saw my Bubble Baby improve like never before I knew I had to widely share our solutions. I knew that all parents of Bubble Babies deserved to feel that same relief that I felt once I saw BJ’s improvements. My goal is for them to feel that relief without having to travel the long hard road of discovery, research and trial and error that I traveled.


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Bubble Baby BJ is an extraordinary six year old who loves all things pertaining to his toys, math and science. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up so product development has been a keen interest of his.

BJ was excited about the idea of starting Bubble Babies. “I’m ready to help some friends stop being itchy” said BJ. And when asked what he would tell another child with skin like his he says “I would tell them when you’re itchy, just use Super Oil!”.

At just six years old, BJ understands purpose and has big plans and ideas for Bubble Babies Allergy & Eczema Co.

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So that your journey is not in vain, take the lemons you are served in life and make lemonade. Pain, at times, reveal your purpose.

-Bubble Babies Allergy & Eczema Co.